Check back for the dates for Teen Worship Boot Camp for 2012!
August 2010, Gainesville VA-- If you drove by Church of the Word in Gainesville, VA anytime between 10-3pm this past August 2-6, you would have heard a "joyous noise" as students age 10-18 learned basic "worship band skills". Learning guitar, bass, keyboard and drums in a few days, just a few hours a day, might sound impossible-- but evidence of the students' new-found skills could be seen and heard at the Friday End-of-Band-Camp Program. Mid-way through the week, the students were divided into three bands, and practiced not only their music but also their band-building skills.
Teen Worship Band Camp creators Sharon Dennis and Doris Au MacDonald led the camp with the help of college students who helped teach instrument skills and mentor the bands. Several instructors were graduates of previous TWBCamps.
A big part of Band Camp is the annual dance/drama, choreographed and taught by Deb Siler. This year's theme was "Get Back Up Again," and the students performed a hip-hop inspired dance/drama to Toby Mac's song with that title.
Another highlight was guest artist Amanda Ryan and her father, Terry Lee Ryan, who sang, spoke, and inspired the students to keep working at their music.
"There was great rapport between the college students and the teens," said MacDonald. "This was the best camp we've had yet."
For more information about next year's camp, or if your church is interested in hosting its own Teen Worship Boot Camp, contact