June 2012 - The first ever Make A Joyful Noise! Music Camp was held in Gainesville, VA. Elementary age children enjoyed four days of singing, dancing, learning instruments, making crafts, and even learning some note literacy. Each day, the children gathered for a scripture lesson and songs. They had lessons on resonator bells, ukeleles, and in rhythm and percussion. "I can't believe how much they learned in four days-- they must have been like sponges!" enthused one parent after attending the End of Camp Show. Sharon and Doris conceived of the ideas and taught the camp, with the help of volunteers, and offer this camp every other summer in Gainesville, VA with the option of offering it in other locations on request. Next camp: Summer 2017
(Transportation from Fairfax and Culpeper available)
Teen Worship Boot Camp is a high energy fun day camp for teens 12-18 who want to learn basic "worship band skills". Learning guitar, bass, keyboard and drums in a few days, just a few hours a day, might sound impossible-- but evidence of the students' new-found skills can be seen and heard at the Friday End-of-Band-Camp Program. Mid-way through the week, the students are divided into bands, and practice not only their music but also their band-building skills.
Teen Worship Band Camp creators Sharon Dennis and Doris Au MacDonald lead the camp with the help of college students who helped teach instrument skills and mentor the bands.
A big part of Band Camp is the annual dance/drama. Other highlights include "Lunchtime Karaoke," guest speakers/musicians, and of course the awesome End of Camp Show!
For more information about next year's camp, or if your church is interested in hosting its own Teen Worship Boot Camp, contactmacdonalddoris@gmail.com.